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ZBLC MasterClasses


My name is Tomas Linkevicius, and I’m a clinical and laboratory research director in implant dentistry with 20 years’ experience. After publishing my bestseller in 2019 and selling more than 3000 copies across the world, I’m now pleased to announce the launch of the first online course on Zero Bone Loss Concepts.

Yes, you heard it right - an online course on how to develop and maintain crestal bone stability!

A lot of information is already present in my book and during live conferences, however, it is not possible to reach everybody. This is why I decided to bring Zero Bone Loss Concepts directly to you and provide up-to-date, exclusive and practical educational content, in a digital format.

You will be able to study these amazing principles whenever and wherever you want. Once you sign up to my course, not only will you have unlimited access to the content but you will also be part of a community of 500+ learners & colleagues. Sound appealing?



Create your account in just few steps, select username with password and get ready for best-quality education in implant world.


Study 16 hours of online educational content, take part in exclusive Q&A sessions with me and receive exclusive additional material to learn about ZBLC.


Use this evidence-based course whenever and wherever you want and apply your skills to your day-to-day work in order to become the best implantologist in your field.

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How to develop and maintain crestal bone stability?

Live Q&A sessions included!

  • Zero bone loss concepts – harmony of biology and implant design factors (1:34:09)

  • How to place implants according to Zero bone loss concepts philosophy? (45:15)

  • Increasing vertical soft tissue thickness. Subcrestal implant placement (1:37:50)

  • Flattening of the bone and tent-pole technique (1:08:53)

  • Vertical soft tissue augmentation with various soft tissues grafts (1:08:23)

  • How to make safe cemented restorations? (1:59:32)

  • Screw-retained Ti-base restorations. Single, angulated, FPDs and full-arch (1:41:07)

  • Important aspects of retentive and gingival parts of Ti-bases (54:47)

  • Subgingival materials – zirconia, lithium disilicate, porcelain or other? (2:13:14)

  • Supragingival materials for implant restorations (40:52)

  • Surgical hands-ons. Vertical soft tissue thickening methods (35:30)

  • Prosthetic hands-ons. Bite registration material to increase transfer stability (17:11)

  • Over 16 hours of education, instant 24/7 access, no limitation of views for 1-year!

PRICE: 1950.00€

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ZBLC Immediate MasterClass

Live Q&A sessions included!

  • Rationale for immediate implant placement I. Why should we do immediate implants? (1:38:37)

  • Rationale for immediate implant placement I. Why immediate implants are still considered risky? (1:17:02)

  • Why are immediate implants successful? I. Osseointegration, profile and peri-implant tissues (1:30:50)

  • Why are immediate implants successful? II. Primary stability and crestal bone levels (1:31:55)

  • Immediate implant placement in molar region I. Implant depth, stability, bone grafting, healing abutments and soft tissue grafting (1:14:02)

  • Immediate implant placement in molar region II. Type A, B and C (1:01:09)

  • Immediate premolars (0:29:11)

  • Immediate implants in anterior region (coming-up, 2:11:19)

  • Prosthetic secrets of immediate restorations (1:51:27)

  • Complications, which could be avoided (1:00:14)

  • Immediate molar placement Type A. Live surgery (35:52)

  • Immediate implant in anterior zone. Live surgery ( 47:30)

  • Immediate molar placement Type B. Live surgery (37:11)

  • Full arch All-on-5 implant placement. Live surgery (50:28)

  • Instant 24/7 access, no limitation of views for 1-year

PRICE: 2000.00€

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How to develop and maintain crestal bone stability & ZBLC Immediate MasterClass

Both MasterClasses combined into 1 bundle! Learn all Zero bone loss concepts in 1 shot and save a lot!


You will receive the access to both courses, more than 32 hours of best quality education!


Do not miss this opportunity to learn ZBLC 1&2 editions

PRICE: 3500.00€

Sign up now
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Annual Mentorship and Supervision by prof. Linkevicius

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