Personal access and support by WhatsApp
Part of WhatsApp group of Ambassadors
Official title of ZBLC Ambassador
Working together: Plan cases together
My planning of cases and delivery
Mentorship via Zoom: Following the improving skillset
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Okay, like I spoke in the video here is my Calendly link, where you can book 15 min call to discuss the special offer and your needs! Let’s chat 🙂
Dr. Tomas Prazac
My reason for getting a mentorship with Prof.Linkevicius is very simple. I love my job, but I felt very frustrated always being alone for my everyday decisions, meanwhile doing a surgery, in CAD plannings, in getting the correct information, using the right instruments, reading the right articles and the last but not least, protecting the patients from any try outs. I wanted knowledge that makes sense and that somebody can discuss my failures. Prof. Linkevicius helped me to understand the biology behind it, which is the most important thing, to know what you are doing. I could not believe that he will answer all the questions, and he really does, sometimes very fast, sometimes with a delay, but always with a short notice that he responds back later. WhatsApp communication is very clever choice for that. He has very responsible approach, and even when being on plane taking off, he answered key questions for my surgery to feel confident. No matter the weekends or nights, I can see he tries his best to deliver. If I do not understand what he writes in our chat, we go for Zoom meeting, which makes it all clear. You can argue with him, you can have your own opinion, he always respects that and tries to explain his point of view. I admit I was afraid going for the mentorship, now I do not regret a single day we chat together. Thank you for that Tomas.
Listen to another testimonial of a Happy ambassador, Dr. Justo Martinez Balaguer.
Book a CALL here. (LIMITED SPOTS!) on Calendly link, where you can book 15 min call to discuss the special offer and your needs! Let’s chat 🙂